New Year's Resolutions... 2010 - A New Life.
This is the fourth time I have blogged about resolutions I am making as I go into the new year. Two thousand nine was a year of change for me. Big changes. And big stresses.

So I am glad for the year to be ending. The "year of change" is almost over. A new cycle begins for me. And a new phase. Here's to the new phase...

So now, here are my resolutions for this year (and most are repeats, as I got nothing done from last year's list):
- Bikram 101 Challenge - Start it. Make it through. Finish it.
- Red Meat, Pork and Shellfish - I am over this stuff. It's bad for you. Period. I am still all over poultry though. But I will never eat turkey bacon. That stuff can never replace the real stuff.
- Write More - I was in too much fluctuation this past year to properly sit down and write. (Code: I was depressed most of this year. And since I don't believe in pills, I wallowed in my melancholy.) I intend to work towards getting published.
- Go to South Africa - Since the psychic said I would do this, why not just roll with it?
- Straighten Leg In Standing Bow Pulling Pose - So help me Sweet Baby Jesus, this one will happen this year.
What kind of writing are you planning to do? If you ever have any questions on publishing stuff, please let me know!