Hiking, Leaping & Meditating.
Finally back home in Toronto... We have yet to have a proper snowfall here this Winter. There was more of a snow on the ground in Arizona than there has been here. But it was slightly warmer there. And I was able to spend quite a bit of time outside while at Miraval.

This picture was taken on the early morning hike that is offered each day. You can see the snow on top of the Catalina mountains, as well as the hint of a rainbow coming down from the clouds. We hiked for two hours at the base. And while out, we saw some of the cows wandering free-range in the area...
Besides various hikes offered by the staff at Miraval, there is an assortment of "challenge activities" as well. The only one I found time to take part in was the Quantum Leap.
For this challenge, you climb to the top of this 25-foot pole and step off the top. You are harnessed in and float down to the ground. The stepping off the top of the pole is the easiest part. The hardest part is getting to the top of the pole.
You have to climb the ladder, then you switch to climbing staples running up the pole. Then, once you find yourself at the top two staples, you have to figure out how to get one foot on the disk that sits on top of the pole. And that ain't an easy maneuver! You have to step one foot on the disk while holding onto the disk - because guess what? - the disk isn't evenly nailed down! It wobbles as soon as you put your hands on it to balance yourself before you step your first foot on it.
Then, once you finally get up the courage to stand up and let your hands go (so that you can bring your other foot into the disk), you then have to somehow twist your body around so that you are facing the opposite direction from how you climbed up it. So, see, the stepping off the pole is the easy part. Getting to the top is the tough part.
I spent a good amount of time at the resort meditating in the Kiva (Zen Garden)...
And I also walked the labyrinth a few times... Allowing my mind to zone out in the pattern...
While out there, I spotted some wild javelinas. But they moved to quickly for me to grab a picture of them.
With the exception of any one-on-one activities, alcohol and the spa treatments, everything at Miraval is included in the price. Meals, snacks, activities, yoga classes, educational sessions, WiFi that actually works... It ended up being a very good deal for The Husband and me.
I intend to go back next year at the same time.