Attempting to Be Healthy...

But my attempt was ruined from the "get-go."

While out grocery shopping yesterday, I saw a bag of frozen tropical fruits. It looked de-lish, and I got the urge for a smoothie for breakfast. It's been quite a while since I had a smoothie, and with the new year just around the corner, I thought it would be fun to start drinking them.

Well, I rolled out of bed this morning and began loading ingredients into the Kitchen Aid blender I bought for super cheap from the Evil Empire. But when I tried to turn the blender on, it wasn't turning the blade and blending.

"What the heck????" I thought.

Turns out, the bottom part if the blender, which the pitcher sits on, has been worn down and is no longer turning the blade. Therefore, the blender is useless.

So now I must go buy a new blender if I want to fulfill my smoothie craving.

It's a good thing my brother and his fiance gave us a gift certificate to Crate and Barrel for Christmas. Now we can go get us a new blender.


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