Life Sucked Yesterday. But It's Better Today.

I am never forgetful. I remember everything. I can remember what I made for dinner one of my first nights in Boston. (Salmon, baked with a mustard sauce. This is when I found out I hate salmon.) I can tell you the exact day I met someone. (My friend Jeanette, September 6, 2000 on a train from Columbus Circle to 14th Street... About 6pm in the evening. I had just left a Radiohead Kid A listening party.) I can remember most people's birthdays off the top of my head; and I even remember phone numbers pretty well.

Bottom line is, I am not forgetful. If you need something remembered, I am your person.

Except for yesterday, that is.

Yesterday, I was stupidly forgetful. And I am still today beating myself up over it.

I got a free card in the mail when I was at my parents' house over Thanksgiving (yes, I still get mail there despite not having lived in the house for ten years now) for a free panty from Victoria's Secret. (SWEET!) So yesterday, I decided to go to "Vicki's" and make claim on my panty.

Well, after I left "Vicki's" I did some more shopping at the Prudential Center. Eventually I found my way over to the Shaws grocery store to pick up some Captain Crunch cereal, which I was massively craving. (I haven't had it in years. It was time to indulge.)

Anyway... So, I go to the self-checkout to scan my cereal. But the self-checkout is being very temper-mental (as usual) and I am forced to put all belongings down on the ground to re-scan my groceries. Eventually, I am able to pay and leave with the groceries.

But it wasn't until I got home that I realized I had left my bag with my free panty on the ground at Shaws!!!!

I lost my free panty!

I will go back to Shaws tomorrow to see if anyone turned it into the "Lost and Found." But my husband thinks that is a crazy idea.

"Wouldn't you be embarrassed to tell them you left you panties there?" he asked.

He obviously doesn't understand how comfortable the panties from Victoria's Secret are.

I guess my memory is fading a little.


freeandflawed said…
I'd go after it!

Was the cereal at least satisfying?
Me said…
Totally satisfying! But I was a little bummed. "Allegedly" there are 16 servings of cereal in a Captain Crunch box... But I only had enough for about 8 bowls. And I followed the serving measurements (3/4 of a cup of cereal equals one serving.)

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