When The "Rehab" Excuse Is "B.S."

Yes... Everyone loves a comeback story. But I think lately the "rehab" card is being thrown around a little too freely by many in the public eye.

Who has used the "rehab" or "seeking treatment" excuse lately? Check it out:

*Nicole Richie - Entered "rehab" for her weight issue. Was arrested weeks later for driving the wrong way on the freeway under the influence of pot and prescription drugs.

*Lindsay Lohan - Apparently she's been going to AA meetings for over a year because it is "a really positive thing." (Which I don't doubt.) Yet, she has had numerous pictures taken with alcohol in her hands over the past year.

*Courtney Love - Has entered rehab, supposedly "repeatedly," for alcohol and illegal drugs. However, she was allegedly on a flight recently where she took prescription drugs and passed out to sleep. She was discombobulated when she woke. (So I guess all the rehab for her addictions didn't include prescription drugs.)

*Tara Conner, Miss USA - This is what this blog entry stems from. She is claiming that moving from a small town in Kentucky over-whelmed her and caused he to do things that are crazy and that she wouldn't normally do.

What a bunch of B.S.

I'm sorry, but I moved from a very small town to NYC too when I was in my early 20s. I didn't go crazy. Neither did any of my friends who also moved from quiet towns. I think it's important that the public realize that they need to seriously stop idolizing these types of people until they actually show remorse and clean themselves up. I am all for second chances; but only if that person appears to be serious about taking steps to get their acts together.

But lately, the "rehab" excuse really seems to be just a quick P.R. fix.


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