Worst Trend in 2006?

I was over on Boston.com a few minutes ago reading the message boards and saw this posting inquiring what readers thought the worst trends in 2006 were.

My pick for the worst trend in 2006...


Ugh! I'm sorry, but unless you are ridiculously skinny, these WILL NOT look good on you. (I don't care what the fashion magazines say!) Even if you are 5'6" and weigh 120 pounds, these will not look good on you. Additionally, the only way to make them look remotely good on someone is to wear them with flat shoes. So the whole look is very casual... Never could skinny jeans be dressy. And I prefer things to be versatile enough to be dressy or casual.

Occasionally, when there are no new American fashion magazines out, I will pick up the British editions of magazines. And the British versions are ALWAYS a step ahead of the American versions in reporting what are the new trends. And according to the UK versions, Skinny Jeans are very much on their way out.

So what's coming in??? WIDE LEG PANTS. (Thank GOD!)

So, if Skinny Jeans were the worst trend in 2006, what was the best trend?


I know, many people disagree with me. But I will hold fast to leggings being the best "retro" trend. Finally, one can wear the mini skirts and dresses comfortably! No fear of things you don't want exposed being shown to the whole world. And this trend will continue into 2007.

As an secondary "WORST TREND" in 2006, I nominate the "NO PANTIES UNDER SHORT DRESSES LOOK."

Britney, Paris, Lindsay... You know the guilty parties! It's a trashy look. There's NEVER a reason to go panty-less under your clothes. There are MANY products on the market that make it inexcusable to not wear them.

My favorite alternatives to the "NO PANTIES..." look:

Hanky Panky Panties.

I'm very much looking forward to the fashion in 2007.


Kelly said…
I agree with your perception of skinny jeans-- but the leggings are even worse. Thankfully, though, leggings are evacuating the scene with a quickness (unless you are under the age of 20) :)
Kelly said…
I agree with your take on the skinny jean-- but the leggings are even worse! Thankfully leggings are evacuating the scene with a quickness :)

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