Christmas Survey.

My friend McCrack had this survey posted on her MySpace page. I thought it was appropriate for the holidays and have copied the questions over with my responses. Enjoy!

1. The number one thing you would love to get this year?
I don't know. I had a hard time putting together a list this year, to be honest. I really wanted the KONE dust buster by DirtDevil... And I know for a FACT that I got it.

2. Have you finished all your shopping yet?
Yes. I am anal about holiday shopping. When you have me buying for you, stuff gets done.

3. Easiest person to shop for?
My husband... And most of my family.

4. Hardest person to shop for?
Probably my Mum. She'll appreciate whatever you buy her... But I would prefer to get her something she really wants.

5. Snow. Like it, Love it or Hate it?
LOVE IT!!! If it has to be cold outside (which in Boston, it does), then it better be snowing.

6. If you got a gift you really didn't like, and you opened it in front of the person who bought it for you, would you pretend you liked it anyway?
Nope. I would not pretend. But to be honest... I make incredibly detailed lists for people who want to buy me gifts, so it is impossible for them to buy me something I don't like.

True story - though not Christmas-related: For my 20th birthday, my boyfriend (at the time) bought me some peach-scented bubble bath and Hard Candy nail polish. Now, I HATE peaches (despite being a "Georgia Peach" and all) and I don't wear nail polish. And at the time of my 20th birthday, I didn't even wear nail polish on my toes. And I couldn't pretend that I liked the gift. I am a very honest person. I thanked him, graciously, and told him "You know... I'm not sure dark purple is really my nail color. And, remember that time you wanted to buy me a 'Fuzzy Navel' at the bar? Well, remember, I hate peaches."

Ultimately, it was a sign that he CLEARLY did not know me that well... Despite having been together for a few months.

What can I say? I tend to wear my emotions on my sleeve.

7. What if they weren't there?
I wouldn't tell them. I would find some way to enjoy the gift or re-gift it.

8. Is it really the thought that counts?
Yes. Ultimately, it is the "thought" that counts. But I am not subtle, nowadays, with what I like and don't like. (Hello... You can tell what I like and don't like by reading this blog!) So, I make it very difficult to buy me gifts I don't like.

Remind me to tell you people about the time my husband went to Starbucks for me on a cold Winter's night... That was one of the best gifts ever!

9. Did you give someone your heart last Christmas, who gave it away the very next day?
Hell no. I have only truly "given" my heart to three people in my life... And none were around Christmas time...

My first boyfriend Ryan (who crushed my heart a day AFTER our year anniversary), my second boyfriend Ryan (who broke my heart because he was uncomfortable and felt he wasn't good enough for someone like me because I was in college and he wasn't... I didn't care though, because I know you didn't have to go to college to be successful in life) and my husband (who never fails to make me laugh with his dry humor.)

So, "no. No one has given my heart away at Christmas."

10. Best Christmas song?
Umm... I like quite a few.

The Muppets' rendition of "Twelve Days of Christmas" ROCKS.
Bruce Springsteen's "Santa Clause is Coming to Town" is top notch as well.
Britney Spears' "My Only Wish" is a guilty pleasure.
And who doesn't love Frank Sinatra's "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas?"
I also like "Last Christmas" by Jimmy Eat World.

11. Do you still make snowmen?
I don't make them. But I do date them.

Canadians count as snowmen because of the cold weather, right?

12. How about snow angels?
No angels.

14. Do you have a Christmas sweetheart this year?
Yes. Just one though.

15. Are you spending the day with them?

16. Who's cooking dinner?
Um... ME! Only I have the skills for cooking the spread we have planned. My husband does eat the dinner though. But I don't know that that really says anything.. Because I am a pretty good cook.

17. Favorite Christmas food?
You know... I don't know. I don't know that I even have a favorite food, period. I really like pizza w/proscuitto and red wine. I also like McDonald's french fries. And please, if you are a regular reader of this blog, you know I obsess over TACO BELL!!!

But as far as a Christmas food, I don't know.

18. Drink?
A Christmas drink.... Hmm... Well, seeing as it I have a very low tolerance for alcohol... I never get to try too many drinks before I am very drunk. And I don't get drunk except maybe two or three times a year. (And since I don't work at an agency right now, I don't get drunk at all.)

I like red wine though. A Shiraz or a Burgundy. And Prosecco and Champagne are always big hits with me.

19. Is it acceptable to get drunk on Christmas?
Sure. Why not? Just don't drive or try to hit anyone.

20. And lastly, greatest Christmas movie is...?
The movies my parents took us to see Christmas Eve 1983... "A Christmas Story."

I love that TBS airs 24 straight hours of it starting on Christmas Eve. My younger brother and I seem to be big fans of it. My husband, however, is not. He has never seen his movie straight through. I find that shocking. He find it shocking that I've never seen "Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer" all the way though or have even heard of "Nester, The Long-Eared Donkey." So we're even.


Anonymous said…
Your, I'm just an honest person and have no problem hurting people's feelings and telling them I don't like their gift shows that you are very selfish and most likely all your friends talk behind your back about how rude your honesty is and it's just a way for you to excuse away being a total self centered bitch. "I'm just being honest" Politeness, manners and etiquette are actually attractive in a woman. It's the difference between whitetrash and high class.
Self centerness is not a virtue you need therapy and to search inside yourself to find that decent thoughtful person you could be.
Me said…
Umm... Your comment barely makes sense...

Are you on drugs or really depressed?

Or do you need Adderal to help you formulate a proper, clear and concise sentence?

First of all, I don't talk about people behind their backs. If I don't like a person, or think they're a complete moron, trust me, they know I think that. And I, quite frankly, expect the same honesty in return. If someone doesn't like me, I would like to know. If it's for a legitimate reason, I will apologize for how I may have offended them. However, if it's for a dumbass reason, well, then they can continue to kiss my ass.

And I don't believe in calling people "trash." Human souls are not "trash."

And, FYI dumbass, I'm not white. I'm Mexican. So if you're going to tell me you think I am "trash," at least call me "Mexican trash" and not "white trash."

If you need that Adderal, or Prozac, let me know. I know plenty of people who could refer a doctor to you.

I love you so very much,
The Missus

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