No, It's Not Cocaine... It's Epsom Salts.

My husband just got all up in a tizzy right now. To ease his muscles after a workout, he occasionally takes a salt bath with epsom salts.

I spent the afternoon finishing up the packing for the vacation, and I decided that maybe he would want me to include some epsom salts in case he wanted to take a salt bath. But, the salts come in a half-gallon carton similar to what you buy milk in at the grocery store. And I didn't want to pack the entire carton. So I decided to just pour some of it into a plastic freezer storage bag, and I packed it in one of the suitcases.

Well, as my husband was busy throwing some of his things in the suitcase this evening he freaked out when he saw the storage bag.

"What are you thinking?" he asked.

"Huh?" I questioned.

"You're going to get us stopped at customs for cocaine!" he exclaimed.

"It's not coke," I said. "It's your epsom salts."

"I know that," said he. "But security will think we are trying to be sneaky."

Then he spent the next few minutes trying to find something less conspicuous to the salts in to take with us.

Seriously though... Other than KT's Halloween party where the TEMP offered me pot (which I didn't take), I haven't been offered drugs in my life. And I had a roommate sophomore year in college who did coke. (Her dad was a republican state governor in the mid-west. But she never offered me anything.)

How would I know it looks like drugs?


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