So Full...

Another Christmas season is done. Just New Year's to get through and then a new era starts in my life. I just finished an afternoon of cooking the Christmas feast and ate what I could... Which wasn't much; but was still filling. Now my husband and I are doing laundry and watching one of our favorite movies on Comedy Central, "Trading Places."

As for Christmas presents, that was a ton of fun.

I got my Dirt Devil Broom Vac in Pink, as well as my Dirt Devil KONE vac in pink too.(These were from my parents.) My sister got me one of the best gifts I got... Pink Hello Kitty panties, Hello Kitty lunch bags and some pink and black socks with skulls and crossbones on them. (She knows what I like!)

Other than the Diane vonFurstenberg dress, my husband got me a gift certificate to my favorite spa (Exhale), a gift certificate to Barnes and Noble, a gift certificate to Starbucks, some bubble bath and a sweater-vest from J. Crew.

My husband got a bunch of pairs of black socks, some cufflinks, a pair of jeans, a polo shirt for Summer and three black sweaters. But they weren't the same black sweaters. One was a half-zip pullover. One was a v-neck. The last one was a crew neck.

Now that Christmas is over, I will be taking down the decorations and packing them away starting tonight. Time to start winding down my carefree lifestyle and start gearing up for the "working" girl lifestyle.


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