2009 Color Of The Year: Mimosa.
Hmm... Even though it's after 6pm (and I'm about to go out for Mexican food for a holiday dinner) a Mimosa sounds really good. (Only I make them with pineapple juice instead of orange juice.)

Well, apparently I will need to start 2009 off with a New Year's brunch featuring a Mimosa... As the established color of the year for 2009 is Mimosa, according to Pantone.

Mimosa is a "yellow" tone. And here are a few different interpretations/things to know about the color of yellow:
Color Of Joy & Happiness - The color provokes cheerfulness. But too much of it can be disturbing. (Apparently babies cry more in yellow rooms.)
Yellow In Your Dreams - Has positive and negative meanings... Depending on the dream. If it was a good dream, it represents energy and happiness. If it was a negative dream, it represents cowardice.
Solar Plexus Chakra - The color yellow is associated with the third chakra in the body, which lies in the area just above the navel. This chakra deals with self-esteem, power, will, ego, self-control and discipline. It's a color of action. But this area of the body contains the liver, spleen and the pancreas. Common issues associated with in balances in this chakra include low self-esteem, diabetes, stomach ulcers, arthritis, colon diseases, adrenal imbalances...
I don't know that I will be running out and buy anything "Mimosa" for my wardrobe... (I don't look good in yellow.) But Mimosa is a pretty color. So I will be sure to buy lots of yellow flowers (daisies - my favorite - have yellow!) and drink lots of Mimosas made with pineapple juice.
And in case you were wondering... The 2008 color was Iris Blue.
Thanks for an informative read,