Starbucks In Melbourne.

Wasn't expecting it...  But was truly happy to see that they have a Starbucks in Melbourne, just a quick walk from the hotel we are staying at on the Yarra River.


It was pretty much the same as the Starbucks in America...  Even the prices were the same... Which means my double tall soy latte only cost me $2.76 in USD.  



Robin M Anderson said…
Ahhhh you've got to love corporate america!
Jeremyinc said…
I've got one word of advice for you. If you are in melbourne still go to Gloria Jeans and order the Voltage (dont get the large it is deadly) It's a iced drink with 2 shots of espresso and ground up coffee beans DELICIOUS, trust me.

If you or anyone else wants to see what it's like to travel around Melbourne (and then Canada) feel free to follow my blog. A Canadian in Australia

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