Scarf Exchange!
Time to make another scarf! Only this time, it's not for me...

I signed up a few weeks ago to participate in a Scarf Exchange. Everyone who signed up was paired with another blogger to make each other scarves. We have to have the scarves made and sent to the person by the 10th of December. I was matched with Aimee from Old Guys Dig Me. And here is the start of my scarf for her...
I've gotten through about five inches tonight. So only another 55 to go. So far, I only have hot pink in the scarf... But I am probably going to bring in at least one additional color.
I am hoping it won't end up being scary... And that it'll actually be a scarf she can use. KEEP YOUR FINGERS CROSSED FOR AIMEE'S SAKE!
wonder what the scarf YOU are going to receive is going to look like?!
But I was worried if I did she'd think you were behind it.