Review: You Should All Go (To) Drink.
Had a fun and not too "debaucher-ous" evening with the usual suspects...

Bail, Frogger, Bail's husband (the Whale) and Bail's friend cam with me to Drink this evening.
Drink is this great new cocktail place in Fort Point that opened a few months ago. And after tonight, I just can't say enough good things about it.
Frogger and I ditched the office environment slightly before 5pm. We hopped in a cab and were at Drink just before the standard drinking hour. We walked into the joint (which is easy to miss, as it's a sub-level), and saw that while not crowded, nearly all the good drinking spots with stools at the bar were taken.
And this is where you ladies get to see the nasty side of gentlemen.
Frogger and I walked to one end of the bar to snag what looked like two stools that were available. But as soon as we got there, one of the finance-type gentlemen threw his coat down on one of the stools. Now, Frogger and I are far from ugly. In fact. we're more than plenty cute! But we don't dress like ho-bags. Maybe that was the problem? I don't know... But I was shocked by the audacity of the guy. He didn't sit on the seat. He just decided to throw his coat on it once he saw us.
But that's okay... Because one of the bartenders said to us, "Hey ladies. There's this tucked in space at the bar over there with two stools that you can certainly have... Josie (sp?) will take very good care of you over here."
We were grateful... And walked to Josie's section. And man, did she ever take care of us!
Josie (who I understand, was recruited from San Francisco to come work here in Boston at Drink - rumor?) was more than amazing. She knew her liquors. And she was quick and dead-on with the suggestions of what to drink.
Right when we sat down, Frogger had in mind what she wanted.
"I want a Manhattan-type drink," she said.
That's when Josie told us about one of the specialities, which was called the "Fort Point." It was a rye whiskey with Benedictine and something else. And it was garnished with a candied dark maraschino cherry.
Normally when I drink a Manhattan, the first few sips for me are rough. I have to "ease" into the whiskey. But this drink Josie made was so smooth. I had no problem sipping it. It was delicious... As was the amazing cherry garnish that came with it.
We stayed for a few different drinks before heading to dinner over two hours later... And the only thing that wasn't amazing about the whole evening was what happened to my favorite blouse...

So, I feel I must warn you people... Some of the bar top corners at Drink are sharp buggers. And when it gets crowded, and you find yourself walking back from the bathroom and taking on the crowd to get to your enclave, you have to be careful.
I tried getting around a group of guys to get to my seat and ended up getting an unfix-able rip in my favorite Marc by Marc Jacobs tunic blouse. Seriously... This is my favorite blouse ever. EVER. I could wear it to work and out to meet friends. It was comfortable and sexy all in one. And now it's gone.
And before you ask... No, I can't replace it with another... As this piece is now six fashion seasons old (from early 2007)... And the rip can't be repaired.
But despite ruining my favorite blouse, I would definitely go back to Drink. And the next time I go back, I will try to sit in Josie's section again. She knows her stuff!