New Haircut...
It's been since August... But I finally got around to cutting and coloring the hairs on my head today...

My stylist at Umi (who is fantastic) chopped a lot of the weight in my hair out. She added more layers... And colored it a nice espresso color. (Goodbye natural red and grey mixed with dark brown!)
I think it looks fantastic. It's longer than it looks. And it's way more punk-ish than I have had it in a long time. And it should make wearing it naturally wavy a lot easier. I am growing out the bangs as well as the length... I want long hair again.
No more shortness. (Shoulder-length is too short for me.) The new do shoots my hair down past my shoulders, blends the bangs into the length, and looks really long when it's straight. Can't wait to see what it looks like wavy.