A Moment Of Silence Please...

Sad news, people...

In my excitement to board the 747 in San Francisco, I appear to have left my favorite Burberry trench coat in the terminal.


I bought it four years ago at the Burberry store on Newbury Street for $300.  It was massively marked down, and I had been craving one for YEARS.  The price was too good to pass up.  And I wore it as much as possible in the Spring and Fall.

Now I will have to replace it.  

I may stop by the Burberry store here in Melbourne... Just to get a sense of what new offerings they have, and to see if it would make any sense to buy one while I am here.


Robin M Anderson said…
So depressing. I am almost at a loss for words. 300 is a steal how is it possible that I just paid 1500 for one????

Other than that hope you are having a fab trip!

ps call the SFO, they may have a lost and found. It's worth a shot.
Anonymous said…
:O, gaping mouth. I feel your loss, best of luck finding an equally beautiful and satisfying replacement.
Anonymous said…
Did you try contacting the "Lost n' Found"?
If you haven't you really should; I've had things returned that I thought for certain someone would have kept.
Legally Brunette said…
So sad!!! I'm glad you are taking it okay. Losing favorite things is the worst. I second Yummy Mummy's comment...maybe the Christmas Spirit compelled someone to be honest and turn it in to the lost and found.
Me said…
It's definitely possible.. And I will certainly check with the SFO airport when get back... But this is a great excuse to scope out a new jacket.

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