Cough Into Your Sleeve? Um, Don't Think So!
If you read here often, you would know I like fashion. You would also know that I do Bikram yoga to stay healthy and prevent illness. I protect my clothes and my body. I fight off illness, and try to look put-together while doing it. And since I love my clothes so much, why would I want to ruin them by getting sick and then coughing/sneezing into my sleeve?
Don't know what I am talking about? Well then you haven't ridden the subways or seen these posters out in public yet..
Rather than covering your mouth or nose with your hands when you cough or sneeze, the CDC is recommending we all use our sleeved elbows. Now, I am all for preventing the spread of the flu this season... But I am NOT a fan of ruining my clothing.
What if I had food in my mouth when I coughed or sneezed? My top would then be ruined. Not cool!!! I recommend everyone start carrying around a handkerchief again. Always be prepared and have it easily accessible to pull out for use.
Let's be respectful of those around us and of our clothes!
Why require people to carry something when we all have sleeves? Wash your hands? Where? Just imagine a sink is always near you? How silly.
How can a sneeze ruin a sleeve? I sneeze into my sleeve and have never made a mess or found anything. How silly.
And Christine, if you don't understand how sneezing into your sleeve is "ruining" your clothing, I feel bad for you. Because you probably aren't very hygienic. Snot, spit, germs... All hanging around in your elbow/sleeve for the day, till you get home and take the shirt off?
And yoga helps your body's immune system... Which helps you fight off illness and and virus germs. Not that I would expect someone who thinks it is hygienic and clothing-care "challenged" to get that.
Just wash up, use Purell, and don't touch your face.
At least if you cough or sneeze into your hand you're caging the germs instead of blasting them into the air around you (whether your sleeve appears to be in the way or not).