Because "Vagina" Is A Bad Thing...

I am really outraged by this story...

I was watching the Today Show this morning while getting ready when I heard about the three female high school students who were suspended from their school for participating in the school's "Open Mic Night" and reading an excerpt from Even Ensler's "The Vagina Monologues."

The excerpt they read: “My short skirt is a liberation flag in the women’s army. I declare these streets, any streets, my vagina’s country.”

The school had asked the girls, prior to the performance, to omit the word "vagina" from reading. The girls chose not to alter a piece of literature that was not their own, and read it as it was written.

The school then suspended the girls for "insubordination." The school claims they did not suspend the girls for using the word. But, how the hell do they figure that they didn't suspend the girls for using the word. Bottom line: they asked the girls not to use the word. The girls used it. They then got suspended. It's pretty clear why the girls were suspended. There's no use for the school administration trying to "gloss" it over.

There's more to this controversy than just the fact that the girls used the word. Allegedly, other students at the performance session used words in their readings, including "fuck" and "rape."

So what the school's administration is saying is that "vagina" is an unacceptable word... But "fuck" and "rape" are?

And keep in mind people, these were high school students they were performing in front of... There were no small children. And even if there had been children, is "vagina" a dirty word then too?

Each parent has their own way of raising their children. But you can damn well bet that if I have kids, they will know the proper names for their body parts by the time they start kindergarten.

Having a vagina is not a bad thing. Saying "vagina" is not a bad thing. And the more often crap like this incident happens, the more clearly screwed up Americans are.

We can allow people like Ann Coulter and Isiah Washington go around dropping the "F" bombs as slurs against gay people... But saying "vagina" in front of teenagers is a problem.


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