Bikram, Bikram, Bikram.

Oh how I love Bikram yoga. And since I started wearing shorts to class (instead of long pants) I am loving it even more.


Well, in some postures, it's like I am starting all over again. For example, in Pavanamuktasana pose, before when I wore pants I could get in and hold what looks like a very simple posture. But since I've started wearing shorts, the posture is a huge challenge for me. My legs are slippery from all the sweat! So, basically, I was cheating myself before when I wore leggings. I was making the posture too easy for me.

Other postures that have changed for me include:
  • Triangle Pose
  • Eagle Pose
  • Standing Head to Knee
  • Balancing Stick
  • Half Moon
  • Tree Pose
In each of these postures, I am able to more clearly see whether or not my standing leg(s) are locked out. And there is a huge difference between seeing a locked out leg and feeling it. Before, when I wore leggings, I would go based on "feeling" that my leg was locked out. And while it is important to know what a locked out leg "feels" like, it's important to know what it looks like. You can see the muscle on your leg above your knee pull up. And you need to lock things out in order to really progress in the poses.

Bottom line: Avoid wearing practice clothes that cover your knees.

I think I've been practicing so much lately that others in the class are noticing how often I've been coming to class over the past few months. Someone asked me last night if I would ever want to go to Bikram yoga teacher training.

I never really thought about it before. Hmm... I think I would do it in the future. Certainly not this year, as I just started my new job. Teacher training is a huge deal in Bikram Yoga. You dedicate a nine weeks to being out in L.A. and studying with Bikram Choudhury himself. An honor, it would be. I've just started my job though... And I am loving it.

But perhaps in the next phase of my life? :)


That Girl! said…
Remember a little while back you commented on class etiquette? Well, I will confess I thought I'd never see the day when someone walked into the class room studio with shoes on. But it happened this morning!!!! She came back in to pick up her mat after racing to be first in the showers. I was appalled on many levels. Perhaps the studio should post your entry. What are people thinking?

PS...I think it would rock if you became an instructor.

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