I Don't Ever Want To Own A Car.

Flipping through all the April glossies, there are many articles on environmental improvements... And in addition to flipping through these magazines, I am also watching the documentary, "Who Killed the Electric Car?"

It's purely coincidence that I am being bombarded with environmental messages from both of these elements. But it's definitely affecting my thinking.

I have decided that I will always live in a major metropolitan area near public transportation. New York... Boston... Toronto...

When I move to Toronto, my husband and I will have to get a car. But we will only drive it to get outside the city. We will live in Toronto off the subway line and won't drive it every day. And the car we do by will be an environmentally friendly car.

Only a few of you readers know where my last job, the one I was at for a mere five weeks in January of this year, was... I worked as a copywriter at Digitas; a massive digital creative agency.

I was hired as creative copywriter to work on their new General Motors business. In my interview, the joke of a manager (I realized this later) asked me if I liked cars. I told him, "Nope. I hate cars. Don't want to own one."

I also don't like guns, am not a card-carrying member of the NRA and am not a right-wing loyal viewer of the "Fox-casters" on Fox News... So I wasn't going to have anything in common with this man. Except for our love of Macs. :)

I am happy I left that job. I am not a fan of General Motors. I wasn't before I started working at Digitas, and I am definitely not still.

I am happy I can walk to work each day. I am happy I don't have to own a car. I am happy I am able to manage my life in a way that allows me to not have to deal with the hassles of a vehicle. (Parking, gas, maintenance, pollution, taxes to drive it here, insurance, digging it out of the snow, worrying about it getting towed, and so much more...)

Agencies and cars... Two things I do not need.


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