Boston Fashion.

Saw this on Universal Hub this afternoon, then again over at The Boston Globe, beginning in May, is going to be publishing a monthly fashion magazine called Boston Fashion. It's going to be delivered with subscribers paper each month.

Interesting idea, I guess. I'm still not going to pay to subscribe to the Boston Globe though, even with a fashion magazine. Especially if I can just get the content it contains (which I most likely will be able to) online at

I like most of my "content intake" ad-free... Which is funny, given that I work in marketing.

I mean, I'm willing to pay for the 10+ fashion magazines I buy each month at Barnes and Noble... But there is unique content and editorials and layouts in there that I won't find online. I'm not going to rule out the value of this magazine the Boston Globe is going to be releasing... But I don't have much hope for it being anything worth subscribing to the paper for each month.

And, I bet you have to subscribe to the full week of the Boston Globe to receive the magazine... I wouldn't be surprised if they made "weekend-only" subscribers ineligible.


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