Couldn't She Just give It Up For Adoption?

I understand her being upset... I would be too if I were in her shoes. But is it really necessary to sue?

If you're wondering what I'm referring to, it's this story in the Boston Globe I read today. A woman goes into Planned Parenthood for an pregnancy termination. She expects to get what she went in for. Turns out, the termination didn't "take." And just a few weeks before she's due, she finds out she's pregnant.

I'd be pissed too. But now she's suing Planned Parenthood, and another doctor not affiliated with Planned Parenthood who examined her for during a gyno appointment and didn't catch her pregnancy.

She's not just suing them for the distress this situation caused her. (Which I understand.) She's suing them for the cost of having to raise the child. And that, my friends, is a big bunch of B.S.

Seriously, why can't she just have given the kid up for adoption? Don't get me wrong, I am a HUGE supporter of family planning and women's reproductive rights. (I believe deeply in freedom of choice.) But if you're that far along, and you can't terminate the pregnancy, but you don't want a child... Just give it up for adoption! Don't waste money and time suing a legitimate non-profit that has helped so many women and men!

And imagine when this child finds out about its mother suing for the burden of raising them... And knowing that their mother never wanted them... And was so angry about having a child that she decided to sue. I wouldn't want to be that child.

This women needs to get a clue. There are so many people out there who would love to adopt a child. So many.

What a horrible woman. I'm sorry she had to go through this. But get a clue, lady.


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