Seven Days... Still No Java.

What is going on with my body?

I have not had coffee or espresso in seven days now. I'm not even trying to go off coffee. But I just don't crave it at all. I have been craving tea a lot.

I feel kinda bad too... My husband went to the movies with some friends last night. On his way home in the snowy mess that was Friday night, he stopped off at Starbucks to get me a Caramel Machiatto. He arrived home at 9:30pm, cold and snow-blown. And he handed me the cup of coffee.

I didn't even ask for it. And it was such a thoughtful thing for him to do. But I told him I didn't want to drink it. I wasn't in the mood for coffee. I was drinking my nightly pot of Nettle Tea/Red Clover Tea/Raspberry Leaf Tea with Qui Gong. I wanted that more than the Java.

I am striving to detox a little more before Spring gets in full swing. Perhaps my subconscious is helping me by making me shun coffee? The only caffeine I really get lately is from my Chai Lattes... Which only have about 50mg of caffeine. Which is about half of what I get in my double-shot espresso drinks.


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