Spring Cleaning: Even For Your Body.

I spent the better part of my weekend cleaning up my apartment. I sifted through old clothes to donate. We cleaned out the fridge and did a good cleaning of the floors. So now that the apartment is done, time to focus on Spring cleaning the body.

Besides detoxing in various ways (Bikram, hydrotherapy, acupuncture, diet change), it's time time to clean up my look as well. I haven't had my hair cut since last October/November. And I usually color it at home (a black color as opposed to my natural dark brown). But this time I am leaving the coloring to the professionals.

I just booked an appointment at a new (for me) salon over on Newbury Street - Salon Marc Harris. I've seen it featured in quite a few advertisements as well as in some media features. And since I am not particular about who cuts my hair, I figured it was worth a shot to go with a new place.

I realized about two weeks ago that my hair is just way too long and way too thick. It grows so quickly. Despite chopping at least three inches back in the fall, I know it has grown well past that. And is just too thick. It's always catching knots in the back near the nape of my neck. (The woes of the wavy-haired!)

So it's getting thinned out. I may re cut the bangs, haven't decided yet. I was just going to chop it all off like I did about 10 years ago... But decided that I do like long hair.

So Thursday night it's going to be cut and colored dark brown. (No black this time. Need to lighten it up a little bit.)

Check back for my review on Thursday.


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