I Won't Lie Dude... "I Don't Like Your Girlfriend."

I IM'd my friends CT and Wighty earlier this week and confessed something to them both...

Something they TOTALLY bagged me for...

But I don't care.

My secret?

I have to confess I am absolutely in love with the new Avril Lavigne song, "Girlfriend."

Sure, I know it's totally "tweenie." And it's confusing seeing Avril go from skating and kicking ass to singing pure poppy-cotton-candy stuff. But it's a good song. And I keep putting it on "repeat" on my iPod.

The song is kinda bad-ass actually, people. Give it a try.

The best line in the whole song: "Don't pretend, I know you think I'm damn precious... And hell yes, I'm the mother-"effing" princess!"


'omie said…
I think you can do better than someone who tries to rhyme "delicious" with "addictive".

Try something a bit more memorable - like Aaron Carter's "Saturday Night". It's got a terrific hook.
Me said…
I have never even listened to an Aaron Carter song in my life... And I never plan too. He can go to hell for all I care.
'omie said…
Give him a try, you may enjoy it.

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