They May Say They're Hiring Mums...

Came across this article on just now that relates to my earlier posting...

Sure, many companies say they're hiring mums... But in what positions? And what industries? And these companies that say they are "actively recruiting" mums... Are they offering flexible work-lifestyles?

I think this article provides further evidence that women tend to be the primary caregivers for their children even when they do work... And that is BS in this day and age.

I could be wrong... But then why didn't the article say anything about the salary equivalents of working fathers?

I'd like to give the article "props" though on using "stay-at-home mothers" as opposed to "full-time mothers." Nothing pisses me off more than when you see "full-time mother" or "full-time father" used as a title... It implies that when a parent does work, they aren't a parent all the time. Only "part-time."


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