Bags Are Packed... Vacation Is Almost Here!

We are PUMPED! My husband and I that is...

By this time tomorrow (Arizona time), we will have arrived in Phoenix. I will have had a session of Numerology and a facial, and my husband will have had a Reiki session.

Our bags are pretty much packed. Our flight leaves at 6am tomorrow. So we will be up and out the door by 4:30am. We're flying Delta this time. (American Airlines can continue to kiss my ass... As they suck more than any airline could ever suck.) So we should have no problems getting checked in.

I never vacationed much as a child. Or until I turned 27 and got married, for that matter. But I am definitely picking up the whole "vacationing and relaxing" thing. Best of all, with my current job, I can actually go on vacation and BE on vacation. No work!

It's only 14.5 hours till take-off. Yay!


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