Dream: "Spaceships."

I slept very soundly last night.  

This isn't that different from normal... But I only got up once to pee all night.  Usually I have to get up about three times.  So that was different. I crawled back into bed, and the next time I woke up, it was morning.  It was 8:45am in the morning.  And The Husband was kissing me good-bye for the day.

Despite the heavy sleeping, I was able to recall a little bit of my dream activity from last night. I did quite a bit of dreaming.  But I could only recall one thing from my dreams...


I dreamed about spaceships again.  They were shaped like little cards, and they would hover above the ground a few feet, before shooting off an disappearing instantly.

Here's what the dream dictionary says about Spaceships:
To see a spaceship in your dream symbolizes your creative mind. It denotes a spiritual journey to the unknown and signal self-development and self-awareness. Alternative, the dream suggests that you may need to take on a different perspective, no matter how bizarre or unusual it may be.

I've dreamed about spaceships and planes and space a lot over the past six months.  I'm not sure which side of the meaning to find relevant... The side about it representing a "journey of the mind," or the side of "looking at things from a different point of view."

I am thinking that my subconscious has been telling me something for a while now, and I've been too comfortable with where I was at...  And I wasn't ready to move on yet.  And because of yesterday, it is pushing me forward.

I think it is time to do something more creative with my time.


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