I Had To Switch!!!!

I can't take the soy situation at Starbucks anymore.

They are not using SILK, as their website says. That's what they were using before... And it was delicious. According to the girl at Starbucks, it's a "no-name" brand.

It is only drinkable if I order a Caramel Machiatto, or something else sweet like that. So instead, I have now switched back to my original "Skim Capuccino."


Unknown said…
Oh, I am so with you! My usual soy latte was so funky last week that I thought they'd accidentally put flavoring in it. I got a refund and told them that I liked the Silk much better!
I am still at a loss and am only drinking mochas to hide that nasty flavor.

This is so not going to work for me! The worst part is most Starbucks are getting less cartons from this shitty supplier and I went to two stores this weekend who were sold out. I'm lactose intolerant assholes!!!! Figure something out for me. Milk is not an option. She told me to get tea. I told her to fuck off.

Sorry just totally vented on your blog :)
Anonymous said…
I know it would be kind of odd, and a pain in the ass to boot, but could you keep a carton of the Silk stuff at your house/office and then bring it with you when you make a coffee run? Like I said, nowhere near as convenient, but you would at least have the drink you like. . .from the chick who brings her own syrup to breakfast ;)
Me said…
Great idea.. But I don't think the baristas would be willing to dump their soy milk out of the steaming container, dump mine in and heat it, and then dump their crappy soy back in...

But you are right... It may be time to switch to am Americano, and bring Silk to work and lighten it there.

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