...Night Time Is The Right Time, For Making Gnocchi.

While cleaning out the pantry shelves the other day, I found an issue of Food & Wine magazine that featured a homemade Meyer lemon gnocchi recipe on the cover.

"Hmm..." I noted.  "I like gnocchi."

Flipping to the recipe, I figured it would be difficult to make.  It required potatoes.  And egg yolks.  And flour.  And the ability to roll out strings of dough, and cut them precisely into 1/2 inch lengths.

"Screw it!" I said to the intimidation.  And I did it anyway.

Here's me making the dough.

Here's me finishing the dough.

Here's a picture of the dough once it has been rolled out and cut.

And here's a picture of the finished product, with some grilled lemon chicken.

They weren't perfectly shaped like the gnocchi you get a restaurants... But they tasted great and didn't look that bad.


That Girl! said…
They look awesome. Did you use the myers lemon? I have yet to get my hands on any.
Me said…
Aww... Thanks!

No, I did not use Meyer Lemons... As I have not been able to find any either.

If you make the recipe, one recommendation I have is to really crisp up and brown the gnocchi at the end. I was too careful with browning it, but the gnocchi are very durable... So i should have been more aggressive with browning.
That Girl! said…
I noticed the golden brown of the gnocchi in your picture and thought to myself, "Oh that's a really nice touch!"

Anonymous said…
That sounds delish! I read the recipe...what does it mean "rice the potatoes?"

You're right this does look complicated and then I wouldn't try it. I am encouraged!
Me said…
"Ricing the potatoes" means they recommend you use a potato ricer to break up the potato into what looks like fine grains of rice.

Williams Sonoma has one... (Link below).

I didn't use one, though. I went to three stores yesterday to find one, but no one had one in stock. So I just used my fork and really broke up the potatoes.

Vanessa said…
That looks fantastic! Well done!
Me said…
Aww! Thanks Vanessa!

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