Seriously, Vessel, I Am Ready To Report You!

Oh come on!

I don't want to be the "bad guy"... But when every other business on the street is able to clear the sidewalk in front of their business, then you have to assume it's just plain laziness on your part. This is the second day in a row!

Come on, Vessel!  Clean up this ice!!!!  Please!


Bayjb said…
I would absolutely not feel bad in reporting them. That is very dangerous and leaves them liable for a lawsuit if you fall. We have a "311" service here that we can report lack of snow removal. I've called multiple times on places.
Anonymous said…
You should report them - that is a hazard to you and everyone else who travels on that sidewalk. Plus, if you report them, they'll get their ass in gear and clean it up. The snow ordinance for the city is here:

They are clearly in violation of paragraph b: "No owner, manager, or tenant of a residential building, estate, or land abutting on a
sidewalk containing six (6) or fewer residential dwelling units shall place or suffer to
remain in place for more than six (6) hours between sunrise and sunset any ice upon such
sidewalk. Removal of any ice shall be in a manner consistent with the requirements of
the preceding sub-section, except that any such owner, manager, or tenant shall be
deemed to be in compliance with this paragraph if such ice is made level and completely
covered with sand, sawdust, or other appropriate material to prevent slipping. Each day
that a violation exists shall be considered a separate and distinct violation."

They should be paying $150 fine for every day they do not get rid of that ice.
Anonymous said…
My building got a $50 ticket for having similar ice, but that was back on Thursday. Since the ice was difficult to chop up, I found in the regulation that you can cover it with sand (much cheaper than salt) and be legal.

Yesterday, I walked past Vessel, cursed at the ice, then remembered seeing your blog. WTF are they doing?
Me said…
I have no idea... But if it's down there when I go to get my coffee in a few minutes, I'm throwing ice on it myself.

This is just insane.
Anonymous said…
When it was Motley Home it was always cleared.It is not that difficult to purchase sand/ice melter and or chop the ice.
Me said…
You know... That is so true! We never had this problem last winter when it was still Motley Home.

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