The 11th One Is Free.

I've really been enjoying my acupuncture sessions these past few months. Some of the results I've seen from the sessions include:
  • Vivid dreams. Insanely vivid. I'm now a believer that dreams are one of your body's ways of communicating to you what it needs.

  • Peaceful sleep. Not that I had a problem with sleeping before acupuncture. But now I hop into bed and just fall right to sleep. Even better, I now sleep through the night for the most part.

  • Drop off in caffeine intake. I wasn't trying to give up coffee. It just happened. And I didn't suffer from any withdrawal from my three to four cup a day habit. (Though I do drink decaf, which does have caffeine in it. But usually only one cup a day.)

  • Drop off in desire for meat. I haven't had any real meat since last Friday... Which is a big deal for me, who used to eat meat at nearly every meal. I have eaten some fish and was fine. But only once.

  • Increased water intake. I am always craving water lately. Can't seem to get enough of it.

  • More energy and no stress. Despite switching to a job with a ton more responsibility, I feel no stress. Seriously... None at all. And that was a very nice change from what I was used to.
And now that I have been going a couple of times a month for the last four months, I get a free session next time! Yay!

My acupuncturist (who is fantastic) informed me last night, "Wow! You've been here 10 times already! Your next treatment is free."

That is awesome!

Click here to learn more about the specific acupuncturist I see; who again, I think is fabulous!


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