Magical Crystal.

Being on somewhat of a natural kick lately, I was in CVS looking for a non-aluminum chlorohydrate/aluminum zirconium deodorant.

Most deodorants utilize aluminum chlorohydrate or aluminum zirconium to mask the scent of perspiration. Problem is though, for some people they cause staining to white shirts. And nothing's creepier than yellow stains on your favorite white blouse or tee.

So after doing some research, I found myself at CVS looking for a new deodorant... And I (surprisingly) discovered a natural solution on the aisle.

Crystal Body Deodorant!

It's essentially a stick of mineral salts that leave a layer on the skin, which prevents bacteria from forming. The bacteria is what makes you smelly.

I've been using the crystal stick for a few days now, and I have to give it a big thumbs up. I don't smell (even after working up a sweat in Bikram) and I don't have to worry about ruining any shirts.


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