Grindhouse: It Kicked Ass People.

I wsa very surprised to learn yesterday how few of you out there ran to see Grindhouse this weekend.

My office closed early on Friday, so I was able to catch the 1pm showing. And it was AWESOME! I actually liked the Tarantino film, "Death Proof," slightly more than Rodruiguez's, "Planet Terror." But both were kick ass films.

That is, if you like action, sweet action sequences (Go Zoe Bell!!!!) and lots of gore. It was a great combination. And I really liked the whole package. (As did many critics.)

But as I was reading Page Six this morning, I see that the Weinstein's want to break the two films apart and release them separately. This claim that the length of the movie was on of the biggest issues.

That is stupid. Why? Well, the whole feature (combined) is only 140 minutes long. That's two hours and twenty minutes. That's not long. That's a great length. And when it's non-stop action, it goes by quite quickly.

And if you break it apart, the whole thing loses it's campy-ness. They're "B" movies. They're supposed to over-the-top in some areas... And the special effects aren't supposed to be super killer. They're supposed to have a "cheese" factor.

If you're not a priss, and can handle seeing blood & guts, you need to see this movie. It's bad ass.


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