It's Not Country. It's (Some Other Kind of Music).

I don't like country music. I grew up in Arizona with my parents listening to it. And I was never "down" with it. Can't stand it in fact.

So yesterday, KT (who I work with) was looking at my iPod Nano seeing what kind of music I have downloaded on it.

"I have a lot of random and cheesy pop music on it. Hillary Duff, Beastie Boys, Ashlee Simpson, The ramones," I said.

"Ohh! Dixie Chicks! that's country," said KT.

"No it's not," I protested. "It's pop music."

She rolled her eyes at me as if to say "Whatever. Kid yourself if you want."

But it got me thinking... because I have quite a bit of what others might consider "country" music, but I certainly don't. What makes it pop versus country?

Pop music means "popular" music. And I guess if they play the video on VH1, I consider it pop music. Shania Twain? Pop music. Faith Hill? Pop music.

What about music that is traditionally "r& b," "hiphop" or "rap"? Is that pop music? Yes... If they play the video on VH1. So, Nelly? Pop music. Mary J. Blige? Pop music.

Bottom line... I don't listen to country music. That's not how I "roll."


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