The "New 20."

Today is my husband's birthday. He turns the "new 20" today. (Which means he's actually 30.)

I always thought 30 was a very mature age when I was younger. But now that it is here for him and nearing for me (next year!), I realize that it is not as "stuffy" and old as I thought it was. In two weeks, I turn 29 (the last 20-something birthday!). When my mum was my age (29) I was five years old. She also had a 8 1/2 year old son and a 1 1/2 year old son. So three kids by the time she was 29.

I'm nowhere near that mature. I still but Hello Kitty stuff and listen to my music way too loud. I also swear quite a bit (which my husband hates). So what I've realized over the past few years is that 30 isn't old. There's plenty of time in life to be mature and responsible with children. And you can still listen to loud music and buy Hello Kitty stuff when you have children. But you can't swear as much. (At the very least, you can't use any of the good swears around children. Only the boring ones... Like "Damn" and "Sh@#.")

I'm glad I have another year till I hit the "new 20."


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