Healthy Dish For The Weak: Strawberry Lemonade Popsicles.

Muggy. That's the only way to really describe what it has felt like outside the past few days here in Toronto. 

It is "hot" (like, 85 degrees... Which, being from Arizona and practicing Bikram yoga, isn't hot at all)... But it was also very humid this weekend. You take two steps outside and your clothes are sticking to you.  You sweat in places that you didn't know could sweat so easily. (Like the middle part of your back... Which takes to sweating easily because you long hair ends there, and the added weight against your clothing causes enough heat.)

So I decided this weekend that I was gonna have Popsicles. But not just any Popsicles... I was going to make them myself, with my new Popsicle molds. And I was gonna have them be gluten-free, organic and all-natural. No sugar. No corn syrup. No artificial flavorings. However...

Searched as hard as I might... There weren't really any Popsicle recipes online that fit these descriptions.  I found some that included soy milk or dairy... But I wasn't in the mood for heavy dairy or dairy substitutes. I wanted fruit.  And juice.  So I made my own recipe...

Strawberry Lemonade Popsicles
  • Juice from 6 lemons
  • 3/4 cup agave syrup
  • 4 cups filtered water
  • 1 cup strawberries, stems removed
Throw all the ingredients in a blender and puree till the strawberries are liquefied and the mixture is hot pink.  Divide between 6 Popsicle molds, with only 1/2 of an inch of room at the top. (I left too much space at the top of mine.) Set the handles in and freeze for at least four hours.

Hmm...  Yummy! 

... And did I mention they are all-natural?


Shannon said…
Those look yummy! And I have some lemons I need to use up...Thanks for sharing!
Me said…
No problem!

I am hoping to put together more organic and all-natural ingredient recipes for Popsicles. They are so easy to make... Just have to have the patience to wait the four hours for them to freeze.

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