How The Husband Makes A Bed.

I have a rule in my house...

"Whoever gets out of bed last has to make the bed."

On days when I get out of it last, I inevitably change the rule to be, "Each person makes their side of the bed."

I can do that though. I am the wife.

Today we followed the standard rule. The Husband got up last.  But when I came back upstairs from making breakfast for us, this is what I found...

This is a "made bed?" Not in my house!

THIS is a "made bed."

After five years of marriage, he still hasn't learned how to make a bed properly.  This may be a lost cause.


The Mommy said…
I suggest that MAYBE he's trying to trick you into not wanting him to make the bed anymore by doing such a terrible job. You follow? He demonstrates poor bed-making skills, you in turn re-make the bed yourself thus releasing him from bed-making duties.


The disciplinarian in me says next time have HIM fix the errors. But alas, I realize we are not dealing with a child....
Cristi Silva said…
You are so awesome! We have the "the cook does not do the dishes" rule....So I never cook and when I do....dishes are not done properly. Either way it is the effert I love. AND I dont have to cook all the time:)
thedancingj said…
That's basically how I do it... LOL.

I'm like - what? I'm just gonna mess it up again the next time I use it...
Me said…
Mommy: I have tried making him fix the errors. The man has no sense of straight lines and wrinkle-free blankets.

J: I will admit, before I lived with The Husband, I used to leave my bed unmade. I had the same perspective as you.
bonbonagogo said…
Wow, this reminds me so much of 'Along Came Polly'! You are the ex, I am, polly!
Dan said…
I didn't think it looked too bad.

I try, but I'm not much better.

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