New Favorite Gadget: Pineapple Corer & Slicer.

Before I left Boston, I went to Crate and Barrel and picked up a few kitchen tools. I didn't get to use them before they got packed to bring up here to Toronto. ( The hand-held mandolin has been trashed though, since Sunday night's incident.)

Since unpacking over a week ago, I have tried them all out. And out of all of them, the one I was dying to use the most has proven to be my absolute favorite...

The Pineapple Corer & Slicer.

It is the easiest thing to use in the world. And you shouldn't have to worry about cutting yourself while using it.

You simply slice off the top and bottom of the pineapple. Then you line the center of the gadget up with the core of the fruit.

Next, you start twisting clockwise while pressing down. And the pineapple starts to swirl around the base of the gadget.

When you are at the bottom of the pineapple, you pull the gadget out using the handle, and you are left with the fruit wrapped around the base in a perfect continuous swirl. You are also left with a nice shell where the fruit-meat once was.

Then, you yank the core out of the center of the gadget, where it ends up as you press it down on the fruit.

A nice core!

Not everyone likes fresh pineapple. I do. I love it. So this gadget was a no-brainer for me to get, and I am glad to see it actually works.


Vanessa said…
I love fresh pineapple but always let someone else do the hacking. This sounds like I tool I would love!
Me said…
you would! It is so easy to use. And it only costs like $10 at Crate and Barrel.

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