Crate & Barrel: There's Always Something You Want.

When my family asked me a few months back what I wanted for my birthday, I said, "Crate and Barrel gift cards."

I wanted to stock up on C&B stuff before we moved to Toronto because there isn't one close to where we will be living. I intend to have a kick ass kitchen when I buy a house up there this Summer, and there were some things I was missing. So with time ticking down till "Moving Day," I decided today to get the hell over to C&B and use my gift cards. Here's what I picked up:

  • Pineapple Slicer
  • Hand-held Mandolin
  • Sifter
  • Strainer
  • Squeeze Bottle
  • Mixing Bowls
I still have another gift card left from my generous family. And I have to use it in the next 11 days. I will have to narrow down to a few more necessities. Thinking of getting some trays...


Retail Frenzy said…
Don't you mean "MY HUSBAND" buys me a house this summer? Must have been a typo. Keep on spendin'!! Must be such a gratifying existence.
Me said…

Um... No. We have joint assets. WE will be buying a house together. The deed will have his name and my name on it. See, when you get married, that's what happens. Major purchases are put in both your names because joint money is used, dumb bitch.

And why are jealous because my family gave me Crate and Barrel gift cards for my birthday? Did your family not buy you any gifts for your last b-day?


Send me an email as to when your b-day is, and I will make sure to send you a gift card too.

In the mean time, thanks for writing in. :)
Pirouette said…
ok, first comment did not go through...
How does making a purchase with a gift card translate into gluttony??
People are amazing with their comments. Enjoy outfitting your new kitchen. I just ordered the Crate and Barrel grilling pizza stone to create homemade pizza recipes for a cookbook that I am working're right...there is always something that you need!
Jeff Cutler said…
Can't you spend these cards online and have the stuff shipped? Why move it more than once?

Otherwise, good stuff.
Me said…
I could... But I have no desire to pay for shipping. Plus, it's easier just to go buy in person and have the moving men throw it in their big truck with everything else.
Copley Crew said…
Ok this may not be the most glam purchase from cb, but I absolutely love my Pyrex measuring cup. Of has spouts on 3 sides so it's mug easier to pour. Also it's great for streaming oil into a food processor or slowly adding butter to batters, things like that. I put it on my registry on a whim and I think I use that and my smallest me creuset, and a fish spatula (those really thin ones for turning delicate fish or thin,breaded meat) more than anything else we got! LOVE C&B!

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