The Ex-Mrs. Hedgefund - A Review.

I have really outgrown a lot of chick lit in the past few years. I loved it, (LOVED it!) circa 2001 to 2003. Then came the flood of crap-tastic chick lit... And all its predictability.

I don't buy much chick lit anymore. The writing is too formulaic and you know how things are going to end after reading only a few chapters. You don't even need to read every word in the books... You can simply skim everything, and still keep up with the story.

The chick lit I do dare purchase with my Barnes and Noble membership card is usually done so for a specific reason, beyond reading it. It is usually because I am somehow connected to the writer. Either I knew them personally at one point, or they are related/a good friend of someone I know. This is the reason I picked up my latest chick lit dalliance: The Ex-Mrs. Hedgefund.

Written by Jill Kargman, it tells the story of a 30-something married woman whose "hedgie" husband has an affair and decides to end the marriage. The protagonist journeys through the cruel world of the Upper East Side of Manhattan for divorcees, only to find herself predictably in love and getting married to another "hedgie" at the end of the book.

Did I ruin the story for you? Opps! Sorry!

Seriously, you would have seen the ending to the story 50 pages into the hardcovers. It's a mindless read, but still mostly enjoyable... Should you be looking for a Summer beach-read.


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