Stylish (& Ergonomic) Exploring Shoes.

About a year ago I started having foot problems. Specifically, plantar fasciitis.

I noticed it when running. I noticed it in Bikram during the second part of awkward. I noticed it while traveling and walking around five different cities in flats. I can't deny that I am in pain when I do certain things or wear certain shoes. I have tried massaging with tennis balls. I have begun wearing Healthy Toes (which have helped). But I need even more than just these remedies... And now, I have made a decision...

With the Summer months more or less here, I need to wear sandals that offer more support to my feet and my arches. No more Havaianas.

I love Havaianas. They are fantastic and colorful flip flops. And I have owned about five different pairs in the past three years. They are cheap and fun. But the reality is: They are shit in the "support department." It is now painful to walk in them. And I live sandals I can just slide on my feet. So I searched for a pair of "ergonomic sandals" in Google the other day.

I was expecting really frightening results. I mean to me, ergonomic shoes aren't exactly fun-looking. Just funny-looking. Would I have to compromise style for comfort? I would if I had to... But I really just didn't want to anymore. Luckily, I don't have to. As I have found these...

They are the "Living Thong" sandals by Ecco. And I found them at The Walking Company this afternoon. They feel amazing on my feet, and (most important) they are quite cute on them too.

I will easily be able to pound the pavement in Toronto wearing these.

And the Havaianas? They are going into the trash bin.


That Girl! said…
I'm so with you on the flip flop situation. I love them and they're cheap but I think I'm doing my feet/arches in by wearing them all the time. So now I only wear them sometimes and almost never to work at the shops. I also like how much more dressy proper summer sandals tend to look over flip flops. Nice job!
Vanessa said…
I love them in red. It's the perfect red, not to screamy and not too orangy.
Anonymous said…
have you tried the fit flop???
Me said…
I haven't... But I intend to. They don't seem to sell them in any stores near me in Boston. And, because I am moving to Canada at the end of this week, I can't order them online in time.
Anonymous said…
I got a pair of fitflops at Downtown Shooz in Coolidge Corner last year. I think the Tannery sells them too. Once you break them in (the band goes up very high on the top of your foot) they are fantastic!! They put a little extra bounce in your step, and they come in a few new fun colors this year!
Anonymous said…
you can find the fit flop at Naha shoes on Hanover Street.
Mei said…
Ecco does wonderful wedges, boots, etc that are not only stylish, fun and cute, but also EXCELLENT in the arch support department. I've got 5 pairs in hiding [hides]

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