Healthy Toes - A Good Stretch!

The most painful part of my Bikram yoga practice isn't Triangle, Locust, Camel or even Savasana... It's Awkward pose.

Specifically, it's the second part of Awkward when we come up high on our toes and then sit down "into the chair." It's painful, not for my thighs, but my feet. The bottom of my feet, to be precise.

They begin to burn with pain right in the arch and in the toes. And it's sad to see myself in so much pain only 20 minutes into the class. But I think I may have found something to help me combat the pain...

Healthy Toes Toe Trainers!

I'd seen these in magazines for a few years now, and I had always wondered if they really worked. They are supposed to stretch out your toes and the tendons underneath the foot... Helping make things more flexible and ward off foot pain. I wore them for about a half an hour the past two days. It does ache a little to have them on, but I guess that means they are stretching things.

Let's see if I notice any difference in "Awkward" foot pain over the next few weeks... Stay tuned.


Duffy Pratt said…
I'll be very curious to hear about what sort of results you get from these. Do you have any arch problems to begin with?

Also, I'm willing to bet that, no matter how proficient you get in the second part of Awkward, you will still be able to push it to where it hurts like hell.
Me said…
LOL! True, Duffy... But I would rather it hurt in my thighs and ass... Not my arches.
Oh, I've been thinking about trying these! Keep us posted!
Kimberley said…
Those things are great. I broke my pinkie toe as a kid and it has freakishly pointed slightly east ever since. The yoga toes hurt like hell in the beginning, but now I have a normal pinkie toe. I know this is way more than anyone ever needed to know about my podiatric travails...but hopefully you have equally good results!
Me said…
LOL! They do pinch a little, as they are stretching the toes out. But so far, my feet feel great. I'll see if I notice any difference after Bikram later today.

Thanks Kimberley!
Sara said…
i have those! they are amazing. i don't have any problems with my feet, but having the yoga toes on for a while gets the blood flowing just like from a nice foot rub. really hope they work out for you - and help you in awkward!
Bex said…
hey - where did you pick these up? online or somewhere local?
Me said…
Ah! I forgot to tell you... I picked these up at Exhale Spa when I went in for a pedicure last week.
a. said…
I bought Toesox but I think I need something more serious because my feet are not in good shape. Both of my parents are obsessed with comfortable shoes so I think it's a genetic thing!
Vanessa said…
Keep me posted on these, I have been curious about them myself.
Anonymous said…
Are we ever going to hear anything back on the yoga toes? I've been keeping posted for a while now!

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