Eight & Half Days To Learn "Canadian."


I realized mid-afternoon today that I have just over a week to become acquainted with how they "roll" in Canada. We U.S. Americans take for granted that Canada is an English-speaking country. But what we do not realize is that it's the fucking Queen's English. (Freddy Mercury & crew or Elizabeth - take your pick as to which queen I am referring to.) They speak it with "North American" accents, but the spellings are the same as that place across the Atlantic.

In addition to seeing and using different spellings, I also have to get used to the following ideas before I move:
  1. The metric system.(As The Husband pointed out, "You just move the decimal point.)
  2. Celsius instead Fahrenheit.
  3. Paying 50% in taxes. (Believe it or not, I actually don't have a problem with this one.)
  4. Using $1 and $2 coins, instead of bills. (Though, America hasn't had a $2 bill in a very long time. Tommy J. represent!!!)
  5. Using (or rather, not using) Canadian Tire money.
  6. How nice people are to you right off the bat. I will have to tear down a little of my wall of cynicism I have built up in the past six years.
  7. The close proximity of Taco Bell to where I will be living.
Okay... So that last one isn't a difficult one to get used to. I will only be a two minute walk from the closest Taco Bell. So that is a good thing. But I am just not used to being that close to one. So the idea needs some time to sink in here.

Maybe "learning Canadian" won't be so overwhelming?


Unknown said…
The $2 bill is still actively minted! It's just not minted as often or circulated as widely as other currency. The last minting was in 2003. Every time my husband goes to the bank he asks for $2 bills, so we usually have them on hand. They are really fun to use, because people are so excited to see them!
Me said…
Wow! I had no idea they were still made. I haven't seen one in YEARS. Like 20 years.
Practice writing
Colour instead of Color
Tumour instead of Tumor

Practice saying
Hell! it is 40 degree Celsius instead of 104 F!!!

LOL I had to get used to the other way round!
That Girl! said…
No Taco Bell?!?! I seriously thought they had crossed the border into other countries.
Ms. B said…
Missus it's the exact same, just smaller baked goods/portions at restaurants/coffee cup sizes and less overweight people. Maybe some french. maybe.
That Girl! said…
Oh wait, I just reread it and saw that Taco Bell is close to you. Amazing!!! I'm a little dense on Fridays :P
The Mommy said…
Really? You make it sound like it's a lot more difficult than it really is. You don't have to pay for Health Care, but you will have to report your height and weight in cms and kgs. You won't get confused by all the green money in your hands, the bills are all different colours (get used the "u") and the coins are.exactly.the.same.size. The beer is better, but you can't buy it at the grocery store/gas station - liquor store or beer and wine stores only.

The good news about your learning curve? We're real nice about it even if you never get it right! ;)

Welcome to Canada.
Me said…

Very excellent points, Mommy. Thank you!
The Pint Piper said…
HA! I just found your blog this morning, when I was searching for Cheez-Its in Canada. Of course, now I have spent the last hour skipping around your blog and forgot where that entry is. Floridian here, who moved to Vancouver last October with Canadian husband. I'm looking forward to reading more from you!

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