I Only Need Bags, Shoes & Bikram Clothes In Canada, Right?

... Because, that is all I packed!

Kidding. It is not all I packed. But, packing is a bitch!

Because we will be living in temporary housing for an undetermined amount of time, and because I can only check two bags and two to carry on with me, I had to be very selective about what I packed to take with me to Toronto.

I get two 50 pound bags to check. And I also get two 20 pound carry-ons. There are things I have in my collection that I refuse to pack for storage in Toronto. And these are also things I refuse to check in for an airline. I must carry them on with me.

There was a lot of moving things around. Eliminating things I thought I could do with out for a few months. And then I also weighed each bag on my scale, just to be certain it wouldn't go over the limit. But, I think I am ready...

Here are my three suitcases, packed. As well as my carry-on purse. Everything I will be living with for anywhere from a month to three months is in there. This wasn't an easy task... But I have managed.

Moving internationally is a bitch. But I know it will be well worth it once I get there.


me said…
Your local posts will be missed. Sincerely. But I am looking forward to learning more about Toronto?
Very Impressive! I think I would need a U-Haul. Sans little man maybe a very small U-Haul?

I still can't believe that you are moving. My Tuesdays are just going to be Tuesdays now. Not coffee with the Missus days.

Sad face.

That Girl! said…
Jeans!!! You need jeans too :)
nancy said…
Best of luck with your move and leaving MA! Moving is a bitch, but change can be good... and look at it this way: at least you don't have to move with a 5 year old! Now THAT sucks!

Hope you are able to take time to enjoy the beautiful days we are about to have...

All the best!
Me said…

Jean Therapy: There are five of the 12+ pairs you have sold me in these suitcases.

ME: I will definitely be blogging still from Toronto. So you will absolutely get to know that city. :)

YUM: Yeah... Little kids necessitate lots of stuff. I am going to miss coffee Tuesdays too. :(

Nancy: I can't imagine moving with a 5 year old. They would be so bored watching the movers pack all theirs toys. I am going to be able to enjoy the nice weather a little.
Duffy Pratt said…
You are flying and not driving? That's curious.
Me said…
Yep, Duffy, we are flying. We have no car. Plus, transporting a car into Canada would be such a pain.
That Girl! said…
Ok, just checking! Because you know my little heart was in a panic thinking of you without jeans.

XOXO I, like so many other people, will miss you (and it isn't just b/c you buy jeans from me) but b/c you kick ass and take name and well Boston certainly could use more people like that!...But I'm sure Toronto does as well!

Have a safe flight!!!
Dan said…
Safe travels. Looking forward to some good hockey talk.

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