

There's something different about the blog today... Can you guess what it is?


thedancingj said…
Toronto!!! OMG.
The_Brain said…
I think that the change has something to do with the color of the background. It's blue-ish now, but it used to be yellow or orange-ish ?.
I come to the blog from time to time, I like recipes and the food pictures.
Anonymous said…
Do we get a prize if we guess right?
Nooooooo you can't move! ;) Ok, fine you can now call Toronto your "home" but only if you visit. A LOT.


Ally W said…
Header is Toronto!!!!!!!!!! Yey Missus..."welcome to Canada"....well in a few weeks!

Anonymous said…
Life in Toronto! ack! Somebody thinks the widget needs to match :)
Me said…
Ah! Good catch, Stacie! I will see if I can change the widget too.
Wow... you changed the location in the image to Toronto...

Hope you will continue to blog - I will continue with my stalking! I promise
Me said…
LOL! I will definitely keep blogging. Been doing it for over three years now. Can't stop now.
Dan said…
The elegant wallpaper?
Vanessa said…
I wish I wasn't reading you from my Blackberry on the golf course otherwise I might have a good guess at what is different. Now I have to remember to check when I get back to my CrackBook!

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