House Painting.

The first stage of fixing up my new home is done... The painting!

One of the reasons The Husband and I decided to buy the house we bought was because the family living in it before us thought of everything... Fire extinguishers, carbon monoxide detectors, California shelves in EVERY closet, beautiful shades of buttercup yellow on most of the walls throughout the house... Except in two areas...

The master suite bedroom and the room upstairs which will become my office.


The master suite was a beautiful chocolate brown with a leather-looking effect on the walls. I decided to have it repainted a soft aqua color...



My office was originally a little boys' room. So it was painted a dark blue. They even painted the ceiling. I had it repainted in a lilac-gray color...



Both rooms are much brighter and softer now. The Husband and I hired two painters who spent three days priming and coloring the walls. It was so worth it. And we were lucky enough to only need these two rooms painted.

Now, all I need is my furniture. The first delivery of stuff arrives on Wednesday. Then Friday. Then the last round on Monday.

I can't wait!!!


Ant thoughts on painting the brown fireplace? White seems like it would look softer with the paint. The new colors look great. Can't wait to see it furnished!

Congrats again,

Me said…
Oh yes... I wanted to paint the fireplace white. The Husband refused the idea though. He was originally against any painting in the house... And wanted to leave all the rooms their original colors. He is afraid of damaging our new house.

He doesn't get "decorating." It took about a week of me saying, "Eff you. I am hiring a painter and painting those two rooms. I will not sleep in a brown room and I will not work in a blue one."

When I mentioned I wanted to paint the fire place white, he freaked out. Yes, it is an ugly wood. But I think next year, I will just have the front of it re-done by a professional. Maybe put up some kind of marble in front of it.

The people who had the house before us had odd tastes in certain areas.

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