I Am A Home Owner!!!

It took 10 years after we both graduated from university... But The Husband and I are home owners as of today.


Here is a picture of our new place...

It is a townhouse in the same neighborhood we have been staying in for the past few months. We were VERY lucky to have found this place. The housing market in Toronto only slightly quieted down for a few months. I originally saw this place listed on a website back in March. We never thought it would still be available in late May... But it was. And I saw it in person my second day in Toronto. Two days later, The Husband came to see it. Two days after that, our offer to buy it was accepted.

Yes. I bought it back at the end of May. I have been keeping this mostly quiet for over two months. I didn't want to jinx it. (Silly, I know.)

I will be posting pictures of the inside tomorrow. The Husband and I headed over after we got the keys in our hot little hands...

We couldn't wait to run through all four floors (yes, four) and look at every empty room, imaging what they will look like once our furniture all filters in next week.

And look what the former owners were kind enough to leave us...

Champagne and flowers! So sweet!


That Girl! said…
Congrats lady!!!!!

congratulations : )
Cara said…
Congrats!! It is BEAUTIFUL!! I can't wait to see the inside!! Enjoy!!
thedancingj said…
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I just signed a lease to RENT a house (yes a whole house!) for the first time, so I am totally sharing your excitement!!! This whole past week has been furniture shopping, calling utilities, cleaning, hanging artwork... SO much fun!! Yours looks amaaaaaazing! :)
Chris Wight said…
Looks gorgeous, but I expected nothing less. Congrats!!
Congratulations! Can't wait to see the inside!!! Welcome to the world of home ownership!!!!

Ahhh! Congrats! How exciting! Clearly the house has some good energy, too, if the former owners were kind enough to leave bubbly and flowers.
cath said…
Yay for the new house! It may have taken 10 years, but that means you missed the whole housing bubble and aren't stuck with a house that's underwater like me. The house is so beautiful. Have fun decorating!
Bex said…
so, so beautiful!! can't wait to see the rest of it!!

Congrats to you and The Husband!
Meaghan said…
Congrats! It looks stunning!
Unknown said…
That's awesome! Congrats! The nut we bought our house from left us a bunch of random crap and undisclosed dry-rot. Champagne and flowers are like heaven! You deserve it!
bikramyogachick said…
Oh wow! It's so beautiful and charming! Congrats!
(is that Vueve bubbly? if so, yum! enjoy....)
Heidi said…
congrats!!! Looks like a fab house! :)

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