I Only Have Two Problems...

That was my response to the head of the personal training department at the new gym I joined when she told me,"You eat way too much sugar."

As part of joining this new gym, I had to have a fitness evaluation. It sounded like a big deal, and there were all these rules I had to follow before meeting with The Head for my evaluation... Like:
  • No drinking alcohol 24 hours beforehand.
  • No drinking caffeine 12 hours beforehand.
  • Have a small meal a few hours before.
  • Come in rested.
  • Write down every single thing you eat for the preceding three days.
At my last gym in Boston, they were serious with their evaluations - which were mandatory. They were free. But you didn't have to do them. In Boston, they would do the following in the session:
  • Measure blood pressure and resting heart rate.
  • Measure your weight.
  • Pull out the pinchers and measure your body fat composition.
  • Measure the girth of all your limbs.
  • Ask you what your fitness goals were.
  • Make you run on a treadmill with increasing intensity to see where your heart rate would hit the maximum.
  • Sit-up measurement.
  • Flexibility measurement.
  • Push-up and plank measurements for core.
  • Balance measurement.

All serious stuff. I figured this would be more of the same thing, only more intense, because there were rules and I had to write down everything I ate.

Well, it was not as intense.

They did the following:
  • Measure blood pressure and resting heart rate.
  • Measure your weight and you body fat ratio with a special scale..
  • Measure the girth of all your limbs.
  • Ask you what your fitness goals were.
  • Sit-up measurement.
  • Flexibility measurement.
  • Squat measurement.
  • Push-up and plank measurements for core.
  • Diet analysis.

It took a total of 35 minutes. And five of those minutes were spent trying to sell you on personal training sessions.

Argh!!! So annoying!

I explained to The Head that I did personal training for two years. I learned a lot. I had a lot of fun. I gained quite a bit of muscle. I didn't lose a single ounce, though that was not my goal with personal training. It was to learn how to make my workouts more creative and use the equipment properly.

I am not doing PT again. I know how to do these things myself. Really, I do.

I had a trainer who taught me how to run and do intervals on the treadmill, despite never having liked to run before that. I know how to do many various exercise with free weights. I stay away from the weight machines, for the most part, because I know free weights are more challenging for me. I know various boxing routines and circuit routines.

Really, a trainer would be bored with me. I pick things up quickly and am able to do them properly. My only problem is consistency.

Well, that, and sugar.


Mei said…
I'm starting to think these "evaluations" are REALLY a sales pitch. Had mine done 3 years back, and apparently I was "obese" as I had a high percentage of fat on my body.

Had another one done earlier this year and the verdict was "Your BMI is OK, but do gain some muscle and lose a little fat. Now, if you sign up with us NOW TODAY LIMITED TIME ONLY!, you'll get 10 free PT sessions..." Felt like giving the guy a punch on the head.
Vanessa said…
I agree, the evaluations are important, but when its disguised as a sales pitch its just wrong. Makes me think of "relationship marketing" (MLM).
Catherine said…
I'm just finishing up a 3 months 3x a week package with a PT. Not sure it was totally worth it. I did learn a bunch, gained some muscle, but didn't lose any weight which was part of my goals. They keep saying that I'd need more sessions to achieve it. The best thing from it: consistency. It make me actually go to the gym 3x a week.
Bex said…
I'm just wrapping up a 6-month PT session (3 mos. at 1x a week, 3 mos. at 2x a week). I have noticed I'm a lot more toned, but I have also noticed (like you) that I don't go to the gym as often either. One of the reasons, I think, is that my trainer works me SO HARD on the days we meet that I can barely move the next day, soooo, I skip. I think by now I can do the weight stuff on my own.
I never did my Equinox eval because I didn't want to be harassed about PT. They still call me 18 months later to set it up. I don't think so!

Between the classes, and personal knowledge you can get a great workout and save plenty of money that is much better spent on a new outfit(s) for that hot new bod!

I will never give up sugar, I would rather be fat and eat cake than ever live in a cake-less world.
BFW (Tammy) said…
Screw the sugar comment! I read your blog... you DO NOT have a serious sugar problem -- AND -- sugar tastes fricken good!
Me said…

Sugar does taste good! AMEN!

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