Doo Yoga.

So, about a year and a half ago, I decided I was tired of The Husband not being able to touch his toes.

Sure, he's a very tall man. And it takes some extra effort for him to be able to reach down and touch them... But that's not excuse. Flexibility is the key to longevity. And with his current state of flexibility versus my state of flexibility means I am going to outlive him by a few decades.

So, to help him live longer, I decided to buy him a beginning yoga DVD. And to motivate him to do the DVD, I bought him a super cool yoga mat.

A Scooby Doo Yoga mat.

It's a pretty incredible yoga mat. I mean, it says, "Doo Yoga" on it... How can you NOT want to do yoga when you have a mat that sweet around?

Well, he had only done the yoga DVD a few times over the year and some months. So I decided that if he wasn't going to enjoy that yoga mat, I was gonna.

And you wouldn't believe (or perhaps you would) the number of compliments I get on the mat. I even get the compliments from people whose yoga practice I am in awe of...

"I love your mat!"
"Hey! You're the one with the Scooby Doo mat!"

"Where'd you get that mat? I LOVE it!"

"That's the best mat!"

At first, I was a little embarrassed about bringing it to the studio. But the fact that I have only gotten compliments on it makes me feel better.

I came across the mat at Whole Foods one afternoon while grocery shopping. As soon as I saw it, I new The Husband would get a kick out of it. And he did. But, it wasn't enough of a kick to motivate him to do the yoga.

So Scooby is mine now. And I will hopefully still have him long after The Husband is gone... Because he still can't touch his toes. So I have accepted that my final years (50+ years from now) will be without him.


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