

I know I made some just a week and a half ago. Yet, somehow, the entire batch of yummy super easy granola I made has disappeared.

But how can that be? I made quite a bit. And I didn't really get to enjoy any of it. Really, just a few spoonfuls was all I got.

So what happened to it? I'll tell you what happened to it!

A nearly six and a half foot Canadian behemoth snuck into my granola stash when I wasn't looking! He ate all my granola!

And worst of all... He doesn't even feel badly about it.


"You ate all the granola?" I asked The Husband. I had just finished my dinner and wanted to grab some to top off my yogurt.

"Well, yeah," supplied The Husband. "When you have something that good lying around, it's gonna get eaten."

"But I barely got any!" I screeched. (I can't eat yogurt plain!)

"Oh well," was all The Husband replied.

This happens all the time, to be honest. My husband is a tall man who works out every day. And because he works out every day, he eats a lot. And since I buy the groceries in the household, it gets expensive.

But beyond that, I have to tell him specifically that certain foods were purchased with me in mind more than him. If I don't tell him, he will eat them. Like the granola. And certain yogurts. And sorbets.

The man can be a human garbage can if needed. As long as the food isn't too spicy, he'll take it down.

Man... I really wanted some granola! Now I have to go and make some more. But I have to buy more ingredients first!


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